Akhila Bharatha Sthanika Brahmana Sabha (ABSBS) is a community of Sthanikas, who are enriched by the like minds, focused common dreams, power of spirituality and immense unity. Originating over fifty years ago, ABSBS has evolved into a strong, stable and active organization with more than thousand members striving hard for its success.

ABSBS facilitates the community to interact with each other, follow the culture, celebrate the festivals, organize various events, help each others, and encourage the talents. This practice has helped ABSBS to attract further members and become more useful to the community.

Main objective of ABSBS are:

  1. To provide spiritual, religious, social and cultural platform for Sthanika Community.
  2. To strive hard for the unity, harmony and prosperity of Sthanika Community
  3. To spread awareness on religion, culture and values of the Community
  4. To develop synergetic, energetic, and powerful principles that can provide solid foundation to the future of the community.
  5. Cultivate helping nature in the society.
  6. Make the community and the country a culture rich, spiritually rich and epicenter of peace.

It is very simple to become the members of ABSBS. Just fill the membership form and return it to the office. Sthanika Brahmins living in any place can become an active member of the Sabha. We encourage more members in our Sabha.

The members receive Sabha’s monthly magazine “Sthanika”, notifications and invitations about the events and festivals conducted in the Sabha, Annual Financial Report, Member’s list etc.