The Sabha conducts various events in an year to keep its members active and participative. Different types of events include cultural events, festivals, social events, professional events, sports events etc. Some of them are annual and some events are specific to occasions and with some special purpose. Typical events of this year are:
10-Jan 2011 - Kirushrashti
26-Jan 2011 - Republic Day
13-Feb 2011 - Picnic
2-March 2011 - Shivarathri
14-April 2011 - Soura Ugadi
5-June 2011 - Vaarshikothsava (Annual Day)
4-Aug 2011 - Nagarapanchami
13-Aug 2011 - Rugupakarma
15-Aug 2011 - Independence Day
28-Aug 2011 - Guru Darshan
1-Sept 2011 - Vinayaka Chathurthi (Chauthi)
2-Oct 2011 - Navarathri and Gandhi Jayanthi
27-Oct To
25-Nov 2011 - Karthika Pooja in Karthika Maasa
30- Nov 2011 - Subrahmanya Shrashti
25-Dec 2011 - AGM
30-Dec 2011 - Kirushrashti
During 2010, Sabha conducted with the help of Employement Committee one full day career guidance and development program. Many students, unemployed youth took the benefit of this program to gain knowledge on interview training etc.
Sports committee conducted a cricket tournament in 2010. Around 8 teams from various parts of Karnataka had participated in this tournament. Sports committee also sponsored the cricket team of the Sabha to participate in various cricket tournaments held in Mysore, Udupi etc.